While more and more people are beginning to understand that escaping a domestic violence relationship can be extremely difficult, it is also important to understand that the path to healing is equally challenging. Often, the survivor is in a state of crisis immediately following her escape. Her entire life has been turned on its head, and she is frantically searching for safety and stability. Even worse, she is trying to understand it all: “Why did I choose him? Why did he abuse me? What did I do wrong? What could I have done to make it work? How could he act like that if he said he loved me?” The questions seem endless.

In order to move from being a victim to being a survivor, she must focus on the present and the future. She must focus on building herself up, strengthening and educating herself. By choosing life-enriching activities, empowering herself, creating and enforcing boundaries, and realizing her worth she will begin her path to healing. Creating a network of fellow survivors who are focused on empowerment and healing is especially powerful.

As a survivor of an abusive relationship, Christina Newby is now a passionate advocate in the cause to educate and raise awareness about domestic violence with Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence. She believes her purpose in life is to bring laughter and love to the lives of others, and maybe get them thinking just a little bit about the meaning of life and why we’re all here.