Today marks the beginning of #NOMOREWeek. A time when we all stand together and call for the end of domestic violence and sexual assault. It is a national effort to engage every community, individual, and organization to say NO MORE and to educate the public on how they can get involved and be part of the solution.
NO MORE has put together events and fundraising opportunities nationwide all week to help bring light to sexual assault and domestic violence, and the people it affects. During #NOMOREWeek, we can all stand together and call for an end to these crimes.
You can join the effort by:
- Hosting an event. Talk openly with the people in your community and educate them about the realities of sexual assault and domestic violence.
- Posting on social media. Spread the message to your followers by posting a picture with a NO MORE sign, join the NO MORE Thunderclap, and post to the #TogetherWeCan hashtag.
- Displaying the NO MORE symbol. Get the NO MORE symbol and display it on your website, your car, or your desk at work.
- See more ways you can get involved here.
I am encouraged to see our state and nation taking a stand against sexual assault and domestic violence. Please join CalVCP, NO MORE, and other organizations around the country stand with victims, raise awareness, and share ideas. #TogetherWeCan stand strong and put a stop to these acts of violence.
Please visit http://nomore.org/nomoreweek2015/ to find events near you and how you can make this a priority year-round.
Julie Nauman is the Executive Officer for the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB). VCGCB provides compensation for victims of violent crime and helps to resolve claims against the State.