Tonight, on the 31st anniversary of National Night Out (NNO), communities and neighborhoods across the nation will stand together to promote crime prevention awareness, safety, and neighborhood unity. August 5th is “America’s Night Out Against Crime,” an annual observance highlighting the importance of police-community partnerships and citizen involvement in our fight for a safer nation.
The National Night Out campaign is designed to:
- Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
- Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs;
- Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
- Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Compton, CA, a city once notorious for its high rates of violent crime, is one example of a local community that has captured and embraced the spirit of National Night Out. The Compton Sheriff’s Station has hosted NNO for approximately ten years, during which the city’s violent crime rates have steadily continued to decline. A report released by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department revealed that between 2007 and 2012, homicides, rapes, and aggravated assaults in Compton decreased by 27.8%, 27.5%, and 32.7% respectively.
This National Night Out video produced by the Compton Sheriff’s Department in 2012 depicts the positive change that can result when law enforcement, local communities, and organizations unite toward a common goal:
“The YouTube video is worth a million words,” says Deputy Jose Aguirre, Jr., who has been part of Compton’s NNO activities for the past five years. “National Night Out helps to inform the community on all the services we can provide for them. It encourages partnerships with law enforcement.”

- Health Screenings (Alta Med)
- Foster Parenting booth (DCFS)
- Special Guest (Pro-Boxer World Champion in three weight classifications Israel Vasquez)
- DJ (WSS/Street Team)
- Voices of Faith Choir (Faith Inspirational)
- Performances by the Pink Diamonds and Black Diamonds (Youth Activities League)
- Several booths from local vendors
- Compton Fire Department
- Jumpers (Marisabel’s Party Supply)
- Probation Department Booth
- Assemblyman Isadore Hall Booth
The California Victim Compensation Program (CalVCP) provides compensation for victims of violent crime. CalVCP provides eligible victims with reimbursement for many crime-related expenses. CalVCP funding comes from restitution paid by criminal offenders through fines, orders, penalty assessments and federal matching funds.