June is National Internet Safety Month. This month, the National Cyber Security Alliance and many other organizations are raising awareness about Internet safety.

We hear daily stories of online crime, from identity theft and fraud to harassment and cyberstalking. Violent crimes, such as human trafficking and sexual assault have occurred as a result of information revealed on the Internet. Yet, many people do not realize how susceptible they are to being a victim.
Here are several ways you can protect yourself from cybercrime:
- Keep your security software updated. Having current security software can protect you from viruses, malware and other security threats. Make sure to scan any external device you plug into your computer, such as USB drives.
- Create long passwords. Keeping your passwords long, varied and unique to each account creates a stronger fortress against online criminals. Feel free to write passwords down, but remember to store them in a safe location.
- Be conscious of untrusted sites. Visiting security-enabled websites when shopping or banking and adjusting your browser settings to limit who you share information with, can help to keep your personal information secure.
- Avoid anything suspicious. Cybercriminals often use emails, posts and online advertising to access your personal information or corrupt your system. Do not forward or click on suspicious links. Delete or mark them as junk.
- Privatize social media accounts. Taking advantage of the privacy settings on your social media accounts, can prevent criminals from using your information against you. Make sure your profile is visible only to your contacts.
- Spread the word. Talk to your friends and family about Internet safety. By helping others understand how to protect themselves, you can decrease the number of cybercrimes that occur.
Following these tips can help keep you safe from online predators. To learn more about Internet safety, visit http://www.staysafeonline.org/. And remember that you can help prevent cybercrime.
Julie Nauman is the Executive Officer for the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB). VCGCB provides compensation for victims of violent crime and helps to resolve claims against the State.