By Dana Smith-Lacy, California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association President; and Reuben Johnson, California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association Vice President
Since 1917, the California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association represents the professional interest of adult and juvenile, state and local, field and institutional correctional personnel. As an Association, members collectively uphold and stand by the rights and restoration of all victims across the state. CPPCA has been a constant voice within the California Legislature in critical decision making processes when proposed bills involve victim safety, rights, restoration, and restitution. Throughout our annual review of bills involving victim interests or rights, our Legislative Committee considers several vital factors, including:
- The Legislative Committee and Executive Board always seek to ensure the protection of victims from intimidation and future degradation or harm.
- Distribute concise statewide information on court processes, restitution programs, defendant location, and release dates.
- Focus on the preservation of victim property, employment, safety, and dignity.

CPPCA will always strive to support legislation to better serve victims in an effort to ensure all victims are made whole and have ample guidance and assistance in the healing process. The task is an ongoing test of fortitude under the law enforcement umbrella.
The Association seeks to foster effective outcomes for communities by addressing recidivism of offenders as well as community factors that lead to success, such as education, housing, employment, sobriety, and other criminogenic factors. By focusing on approaches that are evidence based, probation is able to identify the risk of reoffending, provide supervision interventions, and hold offenders accountable in order to protect public safety and reduce recidivism within local communities.
CPPCA will continue to work collaboratively and reach out to criminal justice agencies to promote team work and sharing of new innovative practices and strategies in order to create and modify effective programs for victims and our clients alike. As counties and the State continue to collect and track data toward this end, we will be able to analyze how specific probation strategies will benefit local communities to improve offender outcomes. By performing these efforts, we can hopefully reduce victimization and recidivism in California.
Dana Smith-Lacy is a Division Director I with the San Bernardino County Probation Department currently assigned to Central Valley Juvenile Detention and Assessment Center as the Assistant Superintendent. Dana serves as President of the California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association and has been an active member since September 2001.
Reuben Johnson is a Senior Deputy Probation Officer with the Santa Clara County Probation Department currently assigned to the Juvenile Court Unit and works as a Probation liaison in the Court system. Reuben is the Vice President of CPPCA and has worked diligently to serve the Association, Santa Clara County Probation Department and his community. He looks forward to serving as the Association’s President starting on October 1, 2013.