"When we speak of our loved ones, please listen. It helps us to remember what made them special to us and to many others as well. We want to make sure they are never forgotten."
While every survivor copes in different ways, we all want the same basic things. First, that this horror had never happened in the first place, and secondly, that it never happens to another person, family, or loved one. So we become the voice for those who can no longer speak for themselves.
When we speak of our loved ones, please listen. It helps us to remember what made them special to us and to many others as well. We want to make sure they are never forgotten. And for many of us, talking about them is a part of the healing process.
Parents of Murdered Children (POMC) is a support group for anyone who has had a loved one die by violence. The Sacramento Area Chapter of POMC began its affiliation with the National Organization in January 2008. Our services include emotional support and friendship to homicide survivors, understanding and compassion, court accompaniment, and monthly meetings.
For more information about the Sacramento Area Chapter of POMC, please call 916-879-4541 or visit our website.

Tuesday, September 25th
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
North steps of the State Capitol
Speakers for the event include:
- Andrew Solomon, Sacramento District Attorney
- Mark Tyndale, President, Sacramento Police Officers Association (SPOA)
- Jon Myers, Deputy Executive Officer of Legislation and Public Affairs, Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board