For some time, there has been the misconception that human trafficking is an evil that only happens in faraway countries; but make no mistake, it is happening right here in our own county and across our nation. Last week, following the premiere of a short documentary our office produced, we took significant steps and strengthened existing partnerships to send the message that if you commit this horrendous crime in our county you will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Part of my plan includes the creation of a Human Trafficking Vertical Prosecution Unit, providing training and outreach to teachers and students, and releasing the names and photos of those convicted of solicitation of prostitution.
DA Ramos and VCGCB Executive Officer Julie Nauman discuss the harsh realities of human trafficking with KPCC radio. |
Our battle against human trafficking started in 2009 when my office took a leadership role to respond to this problem and created the county’s Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE). Thanks to the hard work of all our partners involved in CASE, we have made significant strides by changing the way we as a legal community look at victims of human trafficking. It used to be that victims lured into prostitution were viewed as criminals. Fortunately, those perceptions are changing.
One of the difficult aspects of identifying victims of human trafficking is the underground nature of the crime itself, fueled in part by the prevalence of the Internet and social media. For example, in 2012, 338 prostitution-related cases were filed in San Bernardino County, the majority of which were the result of proactive sting operations conducted by those law enforcement agencies with known prostitution tracks in their jurisdiction. An additional 27 cases involved minors. While this number includes those soliciting sex and those offering sexual services, it's important to point out that it only denotes those who were caught and subsequently arrested.
The CASE banner, displayed at the Teenage $ex 4 Sale documentary premiere. |
The number of pimping cases is even smaller. Last year, 15 cases related to pimping and pandering were filed. But we know the problem is bigger—much bigger. The low risks and potential for high profits associated with trafficking are steering criminals away from smuggling drugs and guns, which are generally riskier pursuits. Simply put, from the standpoint of these monsters, why run drugs and guns, a one-time deal, when they can use a trafficked victim over and over? In the eyes of the traffickers, these victims are nothing more than a reusable commodity.
Fortunately, when we are able to rescue the victims, there are services and support made available through the California Victim Compensation Program (CalVCP). Through this fund, we are able to assist victims with health issues related to being sexually brutalized and/or assaulted. In many cases, funds may be available for medical and hospital expenses, relocation, dental work, mental health counseling, and physical therapy. I have been a board member with VCGCB for the last eight years, and one of the great things I have come to appreciate about this fund is that it is paid for by restitution fines levied on criminal defendants—not one cent is taken from taxpayer dollars.
As we move forward with a deeper understanding of human trafficking and how it negatively affects our children and our communities, it is important to remember that this is outright modern day slavery, and I look forward to serving our victims and bringing the perpetrators who commit these terrible crimes to justice.
Learn more about the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit on
our website.
For the past eleven years, Michael Ramos has served as San Bernardino County District Attorney. During this time, he has fought corruption and made victims' rights, public safety, and anti-gang programs the cornerstone of his office.
In 2011, Governor Jerry Brown appointed District Attorney Ramos to the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST), which was established by the Legislature in 1959 to set minimum selection and training standards for California law enforcement. District Attorney Ramos is also member of the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board and represents the State of California on the National District Attorneys Association Board of Directors where he serves as co-chair of the committee for corrections and prison re-entry.