Friday, February 5, 2021

Teen Dating Violence Victims Can Apply for Compensation Through CalVCB

Domestic violence compensation claims make up nearly a quarter of all applications submitted to the California Victim Compensation Board in a year, coming from victims of all ages, gender, ethnicities and income levels.

 In February, we draw attention to Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and the increased potential for abuse surrounding Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl.

 According to findings in the 2019 National Network to End Domestic Violence “Domestic Violence Counts Report,” state and local shelters answered more than 18,000 calls in a 24-hour period, and staff at the National Domestic Violence Hotline answered nearly 700 calls in a day, for an average of approximately 13 intimate partner violence calls a minute.

 Teens, adults and children who are victims of abuse can apply to CalVCB for compensation, including medical and mental health treatment, relocation, income loss and residential security. In fiscal year 2019-20, intimate partner victims and their children received nearly $13 million in compensation.

 Victims can also apply for an emergency award, which expedites the process of reviewing an application and issuing compensation. To be considered for an emergency award, CalVCB regulations (§ 649.8. Emergency Awards) state victims can indicate on the application, subsequent application or a bill that they are applying for an emergency award.

There are several ways to apply for compensation:

       Create an application using the new CalVCB Online – a secure and private portal that can be easily accessed from a phone, tablet or computer.

       Contact a local county Victim Witness Assistance Center.

       Call the CalVCB Help Line at (800) 777-9229.

       Download an application from CalVCB's How to Apply page.

For those experiencing abuse, or for those who suspect someone is being abused, several resources can help create a safety plan, find shelter and get help:

       National Domestic Violence Hotline: call 800-799-SAFE, or text LOVEIS to 22522 for 24/7 help in English or Spanish

       Victims of Crime Resource Center: 800-VICTIMS

       California Partnership to End Domestic Violence: 916-444-7163 (Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm)

To learn more about the compensation available to teen dating violence and intimate partner violence victims and their children, please visit our domestic violence resources page.